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Experienced and Skilled Oral Surgeon Serving Greensboro, GA

Are you anticipating an upcoming oral procedure? Do you want to receive the best care possible? If so, choose Lakeside Oral Surgery as your next oral surgeon in Greensboro, GA. For years, we’ve cared for patients ages 14 and up in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

mother daughter smiling

Trust Us and Our Services

We understand that many patients are uneasy when going to the oral surgeon’s office. One of our primary goals is to accommodate our patients and ensure their comfort from when they arrive to when they leave. Whether you need a removal or a complex procedure, you can rest assured that you have the most trusted professionals watching over you.

Our Services

Are you in need of an oral surgeon? Do you want to receive quality compassionate care? If so, choose Lakeside Oral Surgery in Greensboro, GA for your next oral surgery experience. For over 25 years Dr. Whitesides has cared for patients ages 14 and up in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. We perform minor and major procedures daily, and our team is totally committed to our patient’s oral health. Call us today for an appointment.

IV Sedation

Many patients feel anxious and worried before undergoing a procedure. Many also want additional relief to boost their confidence. That's why we offer IV sedation, which is applied during treatments, and constantly monitored by our team. IV sedation will keep you relaxed and comfortable from beginning to end.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Studies show most people can benefit from having their wisdom teeth removed. When your time comes, depend on the team at Lakeside Oral Surgeryto provide the high quality care and attention to detail.

Oral Surgery

Feel confident and cared for during your next oral surgery. Our dentists perform daily extractions, removals, implants, and other oral surgeries. We uphold strict safety measures throughout your service.

Call for an Appointment